Angel Locsin Philppines sexy models

Angel Locsin (born Angelica Colmenares on April 23, 1985), is a television and film actress, commercial model, film producer and fashion designer in the Philippines who was introduced in GMA Network's youth-oriented program, Click.

Angel Locsin rose to prominence after being cast as one of the lead stars in the fantasy-themed television series Mulawin in 2004. Soon after, Locsin starred as the superheroine Darna in the TV adaptation of the popular Mars Ravelo comics hit. Locsin top-billed in several films and is known as the screen love interest of Richard Gutierrez and Dennis Trillo. When her contract expired last March 2007, Angel did not renew her contract to her mother studio, GMA Network and signed an exclusive contract in ABS-CBN despite her booming career in GMA. According to her its just a career move. She is now the lead star in the most awaited soap opera of ABS-CBN, Lobo where she paired to Piolo Pascual. Angel was recently awarded in Yes Magazine as the Most Beautiful Woman in the Philppines.

She was also awarded in 38 Box Office Entertainment Awards as the Princess of Philippine Movies. Locsin is now rumored to play the sexy comic superhero in Mars Ravelo's Varga as Varga


Angel Angel


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