Preeti Bhutani sexy pictures, biography

Preety Bhutani Preeti Bhutani sexy pictures, biography
Preeti Bhutani is a sexy bollywood actress she has worked in some of the bollywood movies like Khallballi - Fun Unlimited (January 2009) (Completed) Ladies Tailor (July 7, 2006) (Released) ...... Flora Jaani Dushman (August 16, 2002) (Released) Preeti Bhutani was born into a conservative Sikh family, whose father was in the Air Force and mother was housewife in Faridabad, India. She has acted in Hindi, Tamil and Kannada movies till now. Preeti marked her foot steps in industry with debut in the comedy flick “Ladies Tailor” that also had Rajpal Yadav and Kim Sharma, but Preeti would not like to be remembered for her debut movie. Here are sexy pictures gallery of Preeti Bhutani
Preety Bhutani skirt

Preety Bhutani sexy jeans

Preety Bhutani hot

Preety Bhutani skirt hot

Preety Bhutani sexy pose

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