Payal Rohatgi indian model cum actress

Indian Model Payal Rohatgi Wallpapers and Pictures. Here is a HOT Collection of Free Wallpapers of Payal Rohatgi. Payal Rohatgi was born on 9 November 1980 in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, India. She is the daughter of Veena Rohatgi and Shashank Rohatgi. She has a brother named Gaurav Rohatgi. She was brought up in a middle class family and grew up in Ahmedabad in Gujarat. A computer engineer from L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad by profession. Payal studied in Udgam School.

She was a finalist at the Femina Miss India contest in 2000. This success encouraged Payal to enter the entertainment industry and so she moved to Mumbai. She is approximately 5'6" tall, and her star-sign is Scorpio.

She has appeared in the famous show called "Big Boss" through where she gained her respect and love of general audiences...She was supposedly linked to Rahul Mahajan in the show whom she dismissed as a 7 year old friend.. nothing more..)

Her journey to Bollywood began when she won the title of Miss Tourism World in 2002 in Medellin, South America against participants from 65 countries.

Payal believes in the philosophy to work hard and leave the rest to god. Her ultimate goal in life is to gain the respect and adoration of being a good actor.

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